I’m Sad

Billy with Dreams
2 min readMay 7, 2020

I’m sad with the overwhelming burden of a broken heart though I want to endure that way. I do not know I am mad or so. Where all life gurus convey you a piece of advice, to be joyful all the time and to relish the sweetness and essence of life. They are compelling you to absorb all these facts, though I am taking you in grief and sorrow.
So, let us dive deep into sadness and find out why people get sad, at first.

1). Betrayed by a person you least expected.
2). Failed in achieving a goal.

Both these breaks a person into minute fragments. The heart desires to howl, still, you scarcely refrain from this act of being heartily ashamed. You are immersed in the sea of depression, undesirably, that undermines you surreptitiously. Try sharing this sorrow with others, at that moment, this mortal world leaves you on a dark path where no one is seen. Everything falls apart and why shall it not? When people wear the attire of betrayal, deceptivity, stubbornness and leave these valuable qualities like love, sincerity, sympathy.

After all these dreadful things, a fire emerges from nowhere. A glowing fire that helps you realise “Who you are, What your value is in front of all these wicked people.” After some time, a passion appears prominently that is to do something that is going to make me worth, not in front of all these people but in front of your own eyes. And when this thing appears in a person’s heart then he works and works hard to prove himself and that is what important “Working Hard.” The necessary thing required is precisely to be kicked right where it hurts, that makes you feel sad. The one who feels he knows everything inevitably falls and this state come on every person. You should have the courage to stand back again and confront the world I am back again.

So, in the end, for me, sadness is a ray that retracts you on the right path when you lost your way. Sadness pours you in the bottle of darkness and makes you emerge from it even brighter than ever. The Brightness that no one has seen before in you.

Disclaimer: These are all my thoughts expressed by my words. You may disagree.

